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Configuration Reference

To activate all image mapsExternal link leaves this site on the page with the default options, after installing, just add the following to your page:

$(function () {

Usually, you’ll want to target a specific image by id, and maybe define some options for how the areas should appear when highlighted. You do this by passing an object with options when you bind the image:

fillColor: 'ff0000',
fillOpacity: 0.3

Once bound, in addition to responding to click events, you can manipulate the effects from Javascript. This would choose all area elements that had a class group1 and cause them to become selected, as if they’d been clicked by the user:

$('area.group1').mapster('set', true);

You can also define your own keys to identify areas and group them together. Keys are just a value of an attribute on each area. You tell ImageMapster the name of this attribute with the mapKey option, and then you can identify areas or groups of areas by key:

<!-- an image map of the U.S.A -->
<img src="..." usemap="#mymap" />
<map name="mymap">
<area data-key="AZ" href="#" coords="..." />
<area data-key="AK" href="#" coords="..." />
<area data-key="AR" href="#" coords="..." />
<area data-key="AL" href="#" coords="..." />
<area data-key="CO" href="#" coords="..." />
<!-- bind using "data-key" as a mapKey, and select four states -->
mapKey: 'data-key'
.mapster('set', true, 'AK,AZ,AR,AL');

There are a lot more options you can use to control how things appear so keep reading below and see our API reference for details on programmatically interacting with your image maps.

General options control certain behaviors, general styling and allow for specific configuration to be applied to hotspot areas.

Type: object
Default: {}
See Also: altImage

A key/value pair of alternate images that can be applied to an area. This is a convenience option to simplify using alternate images within areas. In order to use one of these images, when specifying the altImage option provide the value of the key in this object rather than a path to an image. Each value in this object should be a valid URL to the alternate image.

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// by default, all areas will use img3 for highlight/select
altImages: {
img3: '../examples/images/usa_map_720_alt_3.jpg'
altImage: 'img3'
// by default, areas will not use an altImage for highlight/select
altImages: {
img2: '../examples/images/usa_map_720_alt_2.jpg',
img3: '../examples/images/usa_map_720_alt_3.jpg'
areas: [
// TX will use img3 for highlight/select
key: `TX`,
altImage: 'img3'
// KS will use img2 for select
// and img3 for highlight
key: 'KS',
render_select: {
altImage: 'img2'
render_highlight: {
altImage: 'img3'
// CO will use usa_map_720_alt_4.jpg for highlight/select
key: 'CO',
altImage: '../examples/images/usa_map_720_alt_4.jpg'

Type: object[]
Default: []

Define area specific options which override default options (when a default option exists). Each object in the array must contain a key property corresponding with a valid mapKey value and any options that should be applied specific to the area.

By default, ImageMapster will automatically create hotspots for every area element defined in the map element except for area elements that do not contain an href attribute, and/or contain a nohref attribute. You can control how ImageMapster treats area elements via the noHrefIsMask and isMask options.

You only need to provide areas configuration when you want to override the defaults for a particular area. For example, if you have 50 areas and want 3 of them to behave differently than the defaults, you only need to provide an areas configuration for those 3.

Each object provided in the array specified for this option must adhere to the properties listed in area options.

fillColor: '00FF00',
strokeWidth: 2,
fillOpacity: 0.5,
areas: [
key: 'TX', // overrides for TX
strokeWidth: 5, // highlight & select overrides
render_highlight: {
fillColor: 'bf5700' // highlight override
render_select: {
fillOpacity: 0.7 // select override
key: 'WA', // overrides for WA
fillColor: '4b2e83' // highlight & select overrides

Type: boolean
Default: false
See Also: navigateMode, onClick

When true, clicking on a link should cause the browser to navigate to the href whenever it’s not a hash sign (#) or empty.

By default, ImageMapster will prevent the default browser behavior in image maps, and select areas when they are clicked. If you want to navigate to the url for an area, use this option. When enabled, all areas that have an href attribute whose value is not empty or # will be followed.

When area grouping is used, if an href is present for any area in the primary group, the href of the first area in the group (in HTML order) will be used as the navigation target. This way you don’t need to copy the url for every area in groups, rather, you can include it on just one, and clicking any area will cause the appropraite navigation.

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clickToNavigate: true

Type: integer
Default: 10000

Time in milliseconds to wait for images to load. If the images do not load in the specified period of time, mapster initialization will fail and an error will be thrown.

When first bound, ImageMapster has to wait for the source image and any altImage/altImages to load before it can finish binding. This is necessary because otherwise it’s not always possible to know the native size of the images. After this period of time, ImageMapster will give up and fail initialization. If you have particularly large pages or images, you may want to increase this to account for long load times.

configTimeout: 30000

Type: string
Default: ''

The name of an attribute found on area HTML elements used to identify it for any future operations and to create groups of areas that function together. When not assigned, all areas are activated as unique hotspots.

If specified, this refers to an attribute on the area elements that will be used to group them logically. Any areas containing the same mapKey will be considered part of a group, and rendered together when any of these areas is activated. If you don’t want this functionality, ensure each key is unique. When mapKey is omitted or blank/empty, then each area is considered to be independent from the other and no grouping is applied.

When mapKey is present, any area HTML elements that are missing this attribute will be excluded from the image map entirely. This is functionally identical to specifying the nohref attribute on the area (see areas, noHrefIsMask and isMask for more details on how masks work).

ImageMapster will work with any attribute you identify as a key. If you wish to maintain HTML compliance, it’s recommeded that you use attribute names starting with data-, for example, data-statename. Any such names are legal for the HTML5 document type. If you are using older document types, the class attribute is part of the HTML spec for area and will not cause any visual effects, so this is also a good choice. It is not recommended to use id, since the values of this attribute must be unique. title and alt also will cause possibly undesired side effects (e.g., they may contain a comma (,) which ImageMapster uses as a delimiter for area group keys).

You can specify more than one value in the mapKey attribute, separated by commas (,). This will cause an area to be a member of more than one group. The area may have different options in the context of each group. When the area is physically moused over, the first key listed will identify the group that’s effective for that action.

mapKey: 'data-key'

Type: integer
Default: 0

Time in milliseconds before removing highlight after mouse exits an area. Also applies to area-mouseout event of toolTipClose.

Normally, when the user’s mouse pointer exits an area, the highlight effect is removed immediately. This behavior can be changed with this option. Setting it to a positive number causes a delay of n milliseconds before the effect is removed. Setting to -1 causes the effect to remain active until another hotspot is entered (e.g., it will only be removed when superceded by a different area being highlighted).

When using mouseoutDelay, the onMouseover event will still be fired at the time the user’s mouse pointer leaves the area. However, the onStateChange event will be delayed until the highlight is actually removed.

Whether or not you are using mouseoutDelay, only one area can be highlighted at a time. That is, whenever the mouse pointer moves onto a new active area, any previously highlighted area will become un-highlighted, regardless of any delay in effect. Hovering over a new area will always supercede any delay and cause the new area (and only the new area) to be highlighted at that time. So, for dense image maps where most areas adjoin one another, this option may not have much effect within the boundaries of the image map. Rather, it is intended to help keep the higlights active for image maps that are sparse, or have very small areas.

mouseoutDelay: 1000

Type: 'location' | 'open'
Default: 'location'
See Also: clickNavigate, onClick

Controls how navigation occurs when an area is clicked. The destination and the method to navigate are determined by the navigation mode specified. When the resolved destination is empty or #, no navigation occurs regardless of navigationMode.

  • location - All navigation is performed by updating window.location.href to the destination determined as follows:

    • If clickNavigate=true, href for the area is the destination if not empty or #
    • If clickNavigate=false and return value of onClick=true, the href for the area group is the destination if not empty or #
    • If clickNavigate=false and return value of onClick=false, no update/navigation occurs.
  • open - All navigation is performed using to the destination determined as follows:

    • If clickNavigate=true, href for the area if not empty or # otherwise href for the area group if not empty or #
    • If clickNavigate=false and the return value of onClick=true, href for the area if not empty or # otherwise href for the area group if not empty or #
    • If clickNavigate=false and the return value of onClick=false, no update/navigation occurs.

    Provides the following benefits over location mode:

    • Allows for support of hyperlinks as well as mailto, etc.
    • If specified, the target property of area element will be retrieved and passed to call. If no target is provided, a default of _self is used.
    • The href and target value will always look first at the specific area element clicked and if no href is specified and if the area is part of an area group, will use the area group default which is the first area element that ImageMapster found for the primaryKey identified via mapKey.

Live ExampleExternal link leaves this site - Basic example of location and open modes
Open Mode Live ExampleExternal link leaves this site - Detailed example of open mode

navigateMode: 'open'

Type: boolean
Default: true
See Also: isMask

Treat area elements that do not contain href attributes and/or contain a nohref attribute as masks; if they fall within another area, they will be excluded from the group.

Set this to false to disable automatic masking of these areas. You can control them explicitly by creating independent groups for areas you wish to mask and assigning the isMask area-specific option when using this option.

There are some things to be aware of when using nohref and masking:

  • You must put the area that includes the nohref attribute before other areas that overlap it, or it will be ignored.
  • You should also explicitly omit the href attribute when using nohref.
  • Due to limitations in rendering with VML (e.g., Internet Explorer 6-8), it is not possible to create a true mask, which would allow the underlying image to show through the masked area. Instead, the “masked” areas are rendered on top of the highlighted area in a different color. This can be specified for each area (see the fillColorMask) to create the best possible effect.

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noHrefIsMask: false,
areas: [
// outer circle should be a mask
key: 'outer-circle-mask',
isMask: true

Type: string | true
Default: null

Add class(es) to the wrapper created around the image, or copy classes from the image if true.

// add the class im-image to the class of the wrapper
wrapClass: 'im-image'
// copy all classes on the img element to the wrapper
wrapClass: true

Type: object
Default: null

Add CSS to the wrapper created around the image. If provided, the PlainObjectExternal link leaves this site must contain valid CSS properties following the requirements in the jQuery .css(properties)External link leaves this site api.

wrapCss: {
border: '1px solid green',
'margin-top': '5rem',
marginBottom: '10rem'

Area state options control how mapster will maintain each areas state (e.g., highlight, select) based on events initiated by the user (e.g., mouseover) or programmatically.

Type: boolean
Default: true

Highlight areas on mouseover.

highlight: false,
areas: [
// area TX allows highlight
{ key: 'TX', highlight: true }

Type: boolean
Default: true

Allow an area to be click-deselected. When false, an area can be selected but not unselected by clicking.

Normally true, this option can be used to prevent users from unselecting items once they have been selected. When combined with singleSelect, the effect is that one and only one option can be selected at any given time. Users cannot deselect the active option. This provides a menu-like functionality. It is possible for zero items to be selected if this is the default state (or the only selected item is deselected programatically).

isDeselectable: false,
areas: [
// area TX is isDeselectable
{ key: 'TX', isDeselectable: true }

Type: boolean
Default: true

Allow an area to be click-selected. When false, an area will still highlight but cannot be selected via clicking.

When true, the image map will function like a multiple-select menu. Users can click any area to select it. When applied to the entire map, it determines whether or not the click-selection functionality is enabled. When applied to an area, it determines whether that individual area (or area group) can be selected. By default, the map and all areas are selectable.

isSelectable: false,
areas: [
// area TX is isSelectable
{ key: 'TX', isSelectable: true }

Type: boolean
Default: false

Set an area to be initially selected.

areas: [
// area TX is initially selected
{ key: 'TX', selected: true }

Type: boolean
Default: false

Only one area can be selected at a time.

When true, only one or zero areas can be selected at any given time. If an area is selected and the user selects another area, the previously selected area will become deselected. Unlike staticState, this property cannot be overridden by setting areas programatically, only one (or zero) areas can ever be selected when this option is true.

// only allow one area to be selected at a time
singleSelect: true

Type: boolean
Default: false

Set an area or the entire map to be permanently selected or permanently deselected.

When true or false, the map or area to which this option applies will be permanently selected or deselected. Typically this is more useful applied to individual areas that you want to exclude from being selected.

staticState forces an area to be always selected or deselected. If set, this will supercede isSelectable. Something with a staticState will always be in that state and it cannot be changed by the user. Note that when setting states programatically, this option will not be honored; it only affects user interaction.

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areas: [
// area TX is always selected
{ key: 'TX', staticState: true }

Rendering options control the way areas are displayed during highlight and select. In addition to default option values, options can be set individually for the highlight or select effect, by including them in special option object render_select and render_highlight. That is, if you put one of these options inside an option called render_highlight, it will only apply to the highlight effect. Both render_select and render_highlight can be placed with areas option as well.

For example, the following code will cause the stroke effect for both highlights and selections to be applied to all areas using the default stroke width for selections and a stroke width of 2 for highlights. For the specific area with key somearea, the stroke is disabled, and for selections only, the fill opacity is 1 for that area. Finally, for another area with key someotherarea, the fill effect is disabled for both highlight and select.

stroke: true,
render_highlight: {
strokeWidth: 2
areas: [
key: 'somearea',
stroke: false,
render_select: {
fillOpacity: 1
key: 'someotherarea',
fill: false

Type: string
Default: null
See Also: altImages

Use an alternate image of the same size as the image map as the source for highlight or select effects. Each string in the array should be either be a key present in altImages or a valid URL to an alternate image.

When specified, the mapster will highlight/select areas using the image data obtained from the same area in an alternate image, instead of using a fill effect to highlight/select the area. This feature is currently available in browsers with HTML5 canvas support. In practical terms, this means it will work in all commonly used browsers except IE 8 or lower.

If this feature is enabled when an unsupported browser is used, it will fall back to the normal highlight method.

The fill, stroke and opacity effects can be specified independently from those used for the normal higlight/select effect. This ensures that when your page is viewed with a non-supported browser, you can still control the rendering as would be appropriate for a normal fill/stroke effect, which may be different from when you’re using an alternate image.

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// by default, all areas will use usa_map_720_alt_4.jpg for highlight/select
altImage: '../examples/images/usa_map_720_alt_4.jpg'
// by default, all areas will use img3 for highlight/select
altImages: {
img3: '../examples/images/usa_map_720_alt_3.jpg'
altImage: 'img3'
// by default, areas will not use an altImage for highlight/select
altImages: {
img2: '../examples/images/usa_map_720_alt_2.jpg',
img3: '../examples/images/usa_map_720_alt_3.jpg'
areas: [
// TX will use img3 for highlight/select
key: `TX`,
altImage: 'img3'
// KS will use img2 for select
// and img3 for highlight
key: 'KS',
render_select: {
altImage: 'img2'
render_highlight: {
altImage: 'img3'
// CO will use usa_map_720_alt_4.jpg for highlight/select
key: 'CO',
altImage: '../examples/images/usa_map_720_alt_4.jpg'

Type: number
Default: 0.7

The opacity of the fill for the alternate image. This is a number from 0 to 1.

altImages: {
img2: '../examples/images/usa_map_720_alt_2.jpg',
img3: '../examples/images/usa_map_720_alt_3.jpg'
altImage: 'img2',
altImageOpacity: 0.5,
areas: [
// TX uses img3 with 0.3 opacity for highlight/select
key: `TX`,
altImage: 'img3',
altImageOpacity: 0.3

Type: boolean
Default: true

Use a fade effect when highlighting areas on mouseover (does not apply to select).

// any overrides to fade option must be
// configured in render_highlight option
render_highlight: {
fade: true

Type: integer
Default: 150

Time in milliseconds of the fade-in effect.

fadeDuration: 500

Areas should be flood-filled when highlighted/selected.

Type: boolean
Default: true

fill: false,
render_select: {
// only fill on select
fill: true

Type: string
Default: 000000

The color used for flood-fill. Value should be the color hex code without the hash (#).

fillColor: '00FF00'

Type: string
Default: FFFFFF
See Also: noHrefIsMask, isMask

The color used for flood-fill on masked areas. Value should be the color hex code without the hash (#).

fillColorMask: '00FF00'

Type: number
Default: 0.7

The opacity of the fill. This is a number from 0 to 1.

fillOpacity: 0.3

Type: string
Default: '

A comma-separated list of other areas, identified by their mapKey, that should be activated whenever this area is activated.

This is an area-specific option that allows you to create supergroups. A supergroup is a collection of groups that will all be highlighted simultaneously, but only when the area that defines the supergroup is moused over or activated through code.

When the area for which this option has been set is activated, all the areas specified in the includeKeys list will also be rendered. This is a one-way relationship. Defining a supergroup in an area causes all the other groups to be highlighted, but not the other way around.

A typical use of this is to define areas that you want to be highlighted when the mouse enters some specific area, but that you do not want to be highlighted on their own if the target area is moused over. This could be a hidden menu, for example: you want the menu to display when the hotspot is moused over, but when it’s hidden, mousing over the menu area itself should have no effect.

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// NC & SC are a group and will be
// highlighted/selected together
areas: [
key: 'NC',
includeKeys: 'SC'
key: 'SC',
includeKeys: 'NC'

Type: boolean
Default: false
See Also: noHrefIsMask

Identifies this area as a mask; that is, instead of being rendered, it will be exluded from a surrounding area.

Normally, every area in an image map is an active area, and would be highlighted when moused over. The isMask option allows you to identify an area as being a mask. When a mask is part of an area group, the masked area will be specifically excluded from the rendering of a highlight or selected state.

This is usually used in conjunction, or instead of, the nohref attribute of the area tag. When nohref is specified on an area tag, that area is specifically excluded from the hotspot of any area that encompasses it. It will not respond to mouse events, and will not be highlighted. This can be used to create “holes” in hotspots. By default, ImageMapster will treat any area with the nohref attribute or that does not include an href attribute as masks, the same as if this option had been applied.

Sometimes you won’t be able to use nohref to identify something as a mask, for example, if you intend to re-use an area as both a mask and an independent hotspot. This would be typical if you wanted a selectable area that was completely included within another selectable area, but functioned independently, such as concentric circles. In this case, you would need to identify the inner circle as both a mask, and a hotspot. The nohref attribute would make it not act as a hotspot, and only function as a mask. You couldn’t also select the inner area. You can solve this problem by including the inner circle in two different groups - one group which is a mask for the main area, and another which is an independent selectable area. You can specify different options for each group, so even though it’s just one area, it can function as two completely independent ones.

For example, the markup for two concentric circles, both of which are selectable, might look like:

<area shape="circle" group="outer-circle" coords="100,81,59" href="#" />
areas: [
key: 'outer-circle',
includeKeys: 'outer-circle-mask' // causes the mask to be included when this area is highlighted
key: 'outer-circle-mask',
isMask: true // causes the inner circle to be treated as a mask, but only in the context of the "outer-circle-mask" group
// no special options needed for "inner-circle" - we want it to be treated normally on mouseover

Type: object
Default: undefined

A key/value pair of rendering options to override default rendering options when area is selected.

// apply defaults
strokeWidth: 5,
fillColor: 'FFFFFF',
render_select: {
// override for select
strokeWidth: 2,
fillColor: '00FF00'

Type: object
Default: undefined

A key/value pair of rendering options to override default rendering options when area is highlighted.

// apply defaults
strokeWidth: 5,
fillColor: 'FFFFFF',
render_highlight: {
// override for highlight
strokeWidth: 2,
fillColor: '00FF00'

Type: boolean
Default: false

Areas should be outlined when highlighted/selected.

stroke: true

Type: string
Default: FF0000

The color used for stroke. Value should be the color hex code without the hash (#).

strokeColor: '00FF00'

Type: number
Default: 1.0

The opacity of the stroke. This is a number from 0 to 1.

strokeOpacity: 0.5

Type: number
Default: 1.0

The width of the stroke.

strokeWidth: 3

ImageMapster will display a tooltip for an area/area group.

Type: boolean
Default: false

Enable tooltips for the image map. When true, mapster will look for a property called toolTip in the areas option for the area falling back to the defaults. If present and truthy (e.g., not null/empty), a tooltip dialog will be shown on mouseover for that area. It will automatically be closed according to the behavior specified by toolTipClose. This option does not apply at the area level, but rather controls the display of tooltips for the entire map.

showToolTip: true,
toolTip: function (data) {
return $('data-name');

Type: html | jQueryObject | HTMLElement | function({ key: string, target: HTMLAreaElement | HTMLElement[] })
Default: null

When truthy (e.g., not null/empty) and showToolTip is true, a toolTipContainer will be created and the content specified in this property inserted into it, either as inner text (if only text is specified) or as an element if HTML, jQuery or HTMLElement is provided. In order to pass anything other than plain text using this option you must provide valid HTML as a string, a valid jQueryObjectExternal link leaves this site or HTMLElement. Any string will be treated as plain text (and special characters rendered correctly).

When specifying a function, the data parameter will contain:

  • key: The mapKey of the area associated to the tooltip. If the tooltip was invoked programmatically on an HTMLElement not associated with the map, the value will be null.
  • target: An HTMLAreaElementExternal link leaves this site if tooltip was triggered by mouseover or an array of HTMLElementExternal link leaves this site if the tooltip was programmatically invoked. When programmatically invoked, the array of HTMLElements will contain all HTMLElements associated with the key that was specified in tooltip API call.

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showToolTip: true,
toolTip: function (data) {
// use the data attribute name as the default tooltip for all areas
// returning a string (plain text) value
return $('name');
areas: [
// override the default for Texas using a static string (plain text)
key: 'TX',
toolTip: 'Texas has a custom toolTip'
// override using a jQuery object and apply a style
key: 'WA',
toolTip: $('<div style="color: blue;">Washington uses jQuery</div>')

Type: string[]
Default: ['area-mouseout', 'image-mouseout', 'generic-mouseout']

Specify the behavior that causes a toolTip to close.

This option should be passed an array of strings that define the events that cause active tooltips to close. The array can include one or more of the following strings or be empty if the tooltip should not close (e.g., you control it programmatically).

  • area-mouseout - tooltips close when the mouse pointer leaves the area that activated it. This is the default.
  • area-click - tooltips close when another area (or the same one) is clicked
  • generic-mouseout - tooltips on generic HTML elements close when mouse pointer leaves the element
  • generic-click - tooltips on generic HTML elements close when element is clicked-
  • image-click - tooltips close when image is clicked
  • image-mouseout - tooltips close when the mouse pointer leaves the image itself.
  • tooltip-click - tooltips close when the tooltip itself is clicked anywhere

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showToolTip: true,
// only close when mouse leaves the image
toolTipClose: ['image-mouseout']

Type: html | jQueryObject | HTMLElement
Default: '<div style="border: 2px solid black; background: #EEEEEE; width:160px; padding:4px; margin: 4px; -moz-box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px #535353;-webkit-box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px #535353; box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px #535353; -moz-border-radius: 6px 6px 6px 6px; -webkit-border-radius: 6px;'border-radius: 6px 6px 6px 6px; opacity: 0.9;"></div>'

HTML describing the popup that will be created to wrap tooltips. A div with some simple styling is included as the default tooltip container, however it can be replaced using this option. When tooltips are rendered, the code attempts to determine the best place for it. It will try to position it in near the top-left part of the area, and continue to try other corners in order to render it within the confines of the container where the image map resides. If it can’t be placed within the image, it will be placed in the lower-right corner and extend outside the image.

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showToolTip: true,
'<div style="padding: 10px; background-color: green; color: orange;"></div>'

Type: boolean
Default: true

Use a fade effect when displaying tooltips.

toolTipFade: false

Resize options influence how and when maps are resized. By default, ImageMapster will not automatically resize images, however as of version 1.5.0External link leaves this site, support for automatic resizing was added. Whether or not you elect to enable automatic resize support, you can always use the resize API to control the size of the image map.

Type: boolean
Default: false
See Also: enableAutoResizeSupport

Automatically resize image maps when the image is resized (e.g., browser window is resized).

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enableAutoResizeSupport: true,
autoResize: true

Type: integer
Default: 0

Time in milliseconds delay resizing the images.

enableAutoResizeSupport: true,
autoResize: true,
autoResizeDelay: 150

Type: integer
Default: 0

Time in milliseconds for the resize animation.

enableAutoResizeSupport: true,
autoResize: true,
autoResizeDelay: 150

Type: boolean
Default: false
See Also: autoResize

Controls whether or not ImageMapster supports automatic resizing.

enableAutoResizeSupport: true,
autoResize: true

Type: boolean
Default: true
See Also: scaleMapBounds

Automatically scale image maps to the current display size of the image.

When you render an image, you can optionally define a size through CSS or using the height and width attributes. If omitted, the image will be displayed in its native size. If included, browsers will automatically resize the image to display in the dimensions you have provided.

Starting with version 1.2.0External link leaves this site, ImageMapster will automatically recalculate all area data to match the effective size of the image. This means that you can set the size of your image to anything you want and ImageMapster will work with no changes at all needed to the “area” data.

If this behavior is not desired for some reason, this can be disabled by setting this option to false.

scaleMap: false

Type: false | { below: number, above: number }
Default: { below: 0.98, above: 1.02 }
See Also: scaleMap

The boundary to restrict scaling when scaleMap is enabled.

When an image map is resized, it’s map area coordinates are scaled to correspond with the displayed image size.

When the percentage of the displayed image size relative to the natural image size is between below and after (not inclusive), the map area coordinates will be scaled based on 100% of the natural image size. When the percentage is outside of this boundary (inclusive), map area coordinates will be scaled based on the displayed image size.

By default, scaling will occur when the displayed image size is 98% (or less) or 102% (or more) of its natural image size.

Setting this value to false will scale the map areas based on displayed image size without any restrictions.

// scale down to any size but restrict scaling up to 105% or greater
scaleMapBounds: { below: 1, above: 1.05 }

ImageMapster supports assocating an image map to an external list in order to simplyfing synchronization of the map and the list. This allows for things such as selecting an item in a list and having the corresponding area in the image map become selected. You can provide a static collection of list items via the boundList option or generate the list items dynamically using the data provided in the onGetList callback which supplies the list of all area elements ImageMapster found for the image map.

Type: jQueryObject
Default: null
See Also: onGetList

A jQueryObjectExternal link leaves this site containing a collection of elements bound to the image map that will be updated when areas are selected or deselected.

boundList can be a collection of any type of element(s). To be bound to the map, they must contain an attribute whose name is identified by the option listKey, and whose value matches the value in an area tag’s mapKey attribute. If more than one element in the list has the same value, the action will affect all matching elements.

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boundList: $('#my-list').find('li')

Type: string
Default: 'value'

An attribute found on elements in the boundList (or the list returned in onGetList) that corresponds to the value of the mapKey attributes.

This is used to synchronize the actions on the image map with the actions on a boundList. Each value should match a value from the corresponding image map mapKey attribute. Any item in the boundList with missing or mis-matched data will be ignored.

listKey: 'data-state'

Type: string
Default: 'selected'

An element propertyExternal link leaves this site that will be updated with a boolean value when an area is selected or deselected.

If boundList is present (or provided via onGetList), when a map area is selected, will update this property on the list element that matches that area based on their respective keys.

listSelectedAttribute: 'checked'

Type: string
Default: null

A className (one or more space-separated classes) to add or remove when an area is selected or deselected.

If a boundList is present (or provided via onGetList), when a map area is selected, this class is added or removed from the corresponding list element. This can be used to style the elements and/or easily create any kind of associated action when areas on the map are changed.

listSelectedClass: 'isselected'

Type: string
Default: ''

The name of an attribute found on area HTML elements used to identify it for any future operations and to create groups of areas that function together.

When set, the data provided to onGetList callback will include the value of this attribute for each group. This can be used to simplify building a list with associated information, without having to match against another resource. It also ties this information to the image map itself. It is not required to use this option when using onGetList.

For example, you could set mapValue: 'data-statename' to an image map of the United States, and add an attribute to your areas that provided the full name of each state (e.g., data-statename="Alaska"). The text Alaska would be included in the onGetList callback, and so you could use it to construct an external list of states.

If there are grouped areas (areas with the same key), then the value from the first area found with data in this attribute will be used.

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mapValue: 'data-description'

Type: boolean | 'asc' | 'desc'
Default: false

When truthy, sort the data passed to onGetList by the value corresponding to mapValue.

Data will be sorted by the area value from mapValue in ascending order unless the desc is specified for sortList in which case it will be sorted in descending order.

sortList: 'desc'

The following are events or callbacks - these options can be assigned functions to take various actions when the event occurs.

Type: function()
Default: null
See Also: autoResize

Callback after the image map has been automatically resized.

enableAutoResizeSupport: true,
autoResize: true,
onAutoResize: function () {
// ...

Type: function(data: { e: JQueryEventObject, list_target: JQueryObject, key: string, selected: boolean })
Default: null
See Also: clickNavigate, navigateMode

Callback when a hotspot area is clicked. Return false to cancel default select action, or true to navigate to the href.

This event occurs when the usual click event happens and includes data from the mapster about the area. It can be used to perform additional actions on a click without binding another event and having to obtain information manually.

onClick: function (data) {
var $me = $(this), // HTMLAreaElement element clicked
e = data.e, // jQueryEventObject - see
item = data.list_target, // JQueryObject from boundList (if applicable)
key = data.key, // mapKey for this area
selected = data.selected; // true or false based on current area state
// ...

Type: function(success: boolean)
Default: null

Callback when the mapster has finished initialization.

When control execution continues after a first-time bind operation, the mapster is not guaranteed to be configured, because images are loaded asynchronously by web browsers. If a mapster is bound to an image that is not yet loaded, it will continue to check for completion every 50 milliseconds. This event will be fired when it is eventually successful or the length of time specified by configTimeout is exceeded (default of ten seconds) at which point an error will be thrown.

Note that use of the altImage/altImages options will increase the amount of time required to complete initialization because the alternate image is loaded by the client at configure time to ensure it is available immediately when needed.

onConfigured: function (success) {
var $me = $(this); // HTMLImageElement of the bound image
// success will always be true because ImageMapster will
// throw an error if configuration fails and/or
// configTimeout is exceeded

Type: function(data: AreaData[])
Default: null
See Also: Bound List Options

Callback during mapster initialization that provides summary data about the image map and expects a jQueryObject containing the corresponding html elements in the external list.

This callback allows you to dynamically provide a boundList based on summary data from the image map itself, rather than providing the list up front. The event parameter data contains an array of AreaData objects for each area that mapster found in the `map with the following structure:

var data = {
key: `string`, // primary mapKey for this area or area group
value: `string`, // mapValue for this area or group
options: `object`, // area specific options defined for this group
areas: `function()` // function that will return an array of MapArea objects that make up this group

The client should return a jQueryObject containing all the elements that make up the bound list, the same as if it was assigned manually via boundList.

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onGetList: function (data) {
var $me = $(this), // HTMLImageElement of the bound image,
items = data, // array of AreaData objects
listItems = (item) {
return buildListItem(item.key, item.value);
// return only the input elements
return $('#my-list').empty().append(listItems).find('input');

Type: function()
Default: null

Callback when a tooltip is closed.

onHideToolTip: function () {
// ...

Type: function(data: { e: JQueryEventObject, options: object, key: string, selected: boolean })
Default: null

Callback when mouse pointer leaves a bound area.

onMouseout: function (data) {
var $me = $(this), // HTMLAreaElement element clicked
e = data.e, // jQueryEventObject - see
options = data.options, // area specific options defined for this area/area group
key = data.key, // mapKey for this area
selected = data.selected; // true or false based on current area state
// ...

Type: function(data: { e: JQueryEventObject, options: object, key: string, selected: boolean })
Default: null

Callback when mouse pointer enters a bound area.

onMouseover: function (data) {
var $me = $(this), // HTMLAreaElement element clicked
e = data.e, // jQueryEventObject - see
options = data.options, // area specific options defined for this area/area group
key = data.key, // mapKey for this area
selected = data.selected; // true or false based on current area state
// ...

Type: function(data: { toolTip: jQueryObject, areaOptions: object, key: string, selected: boolean })
Default: null

Callback when a tooltip is displayed.

onShowToolTip: function (data) {
var $me = $(this), // HTMLAreaElement element bound to the tooltip (null when triggered programmatically)
tooltip = data.toolTip, // jQueryObject of the tooltip container
areaOptions = data.areaOptions, // area specific options defined for this area/area group
key = data.key, // mapKey for this area
selected = data.selected; // true or false based on current area state

Type: function(data: { key: string, state: string, selected: boolean })
Default: null

Callback when an area changes state, either highlight or select.

onStateChange: function (data) {
var $me = $(this), // HTMLImageElement of the bound image
key = data.key, // mapKey for this area
state = data.state; // "highlight" | "select",
selected = data.selected; // true or false based on current area state